This morning, for some insane reason, my best friend and I were up at 7 AM. We walked down to the kitchen and saw my mother exercising outside. She did sit ups, lunges, weights and a whole lot of other terrifying things. Then I said: "Wow, exercising must be great..." And we both burst out laughing at such an absurd thought. I mean... her face was contorting in pain and she didn't look like she was having fun. Kinda like this:
Seeee??? This is why my friend and I sat there, shoving pancakes into our mouth holes, staring at my mom and wondering... Why? And I know what you're thinking. "Wow, StrawberrySwirled is like, totes lazy and stuff." Well, excuse me Mister, but do you have any idea how long the hallway in my house is? I burn 2 kilo's walking from my room to the kitchen every morning!
A few days ago my friend and I went to Smooch, our, like, totes fave frozen yoghurt place. :-P
And whenever we go there, we're bound to see the 2 skinny/pouty/bleachblonde/coo girls, squirting the tiniest amount of Smooch into their cups and sitting down all hair-flippy like. Seriously?
Aaaaannnnyyyywaayyy, seeing as it is rather late... I'm going to hit the sack. Nighty night!
--- Oh, and if you're wondering who my "friend" is: